Ruptured Bicep Tear Tendon - Exercise Tips

  When you realize you've broken your bicep tear tendon the world of fitness and exercise seems to come to an abrupt end at the time . Of the three bicep tear tendons two adhere to the shoulder and the other in or around the elbow . The two shoulder tendons appear to be more fragile , then the attachment at the elbow, and accounts for approximately 88-97 % of all fractures . The most affected is the large tendon .

  The bicep tear muscle is involved in a variety of functional movements of the upper limb. The two heads of the bicep tear tendon crossing our shoulder , have attachments to our scapula which is involved in the timing and coordination of movement of the shoulder as well. Needless to say, when one of the tendons of the shoulder , can put undue stress on other parts of the shoulder complex .

  Kill or break the long head of the bicep tear tendon usually occurs in people between 45 and 65. When the tendon ruptures biggest problem with time becomes the power loss in the affected shoulder.

  If you are a younger person involved in sports, you may want to consider getting the repaired tendon and repaired quickly before permanent damage is present . If you're over 40 and you are still able to complete their activities of daily living , so the choice is yours . The repair is not mandatory , you can still perform daily activities with easy disassembly tendon .

  The long head of my bicep tear tendon was broken in 2004 and chose not to repair . I was in my forties and I thought it did not affect my activities of daily living . As a bodybuilder , but I lost power in the shoulder and I realized I had to compensate for several long to live with a slightly distorted ways bicep tear.

   Here are three tips that I have followed with great success and I could continue my fitness and bodybuilding diet .

1. Decrease the amount of weight you use . Again, depending on your age , it is not necessary at this time to try to feed large amounts of weight , while the shoulder will not be processed . You can use lighter weights to increase the intensity with more reps at this time and remain successful .

2. Work and focus on strengthening the entire shoulder complex , including the muscles of the rotator cuff . It is now imperative to strengthen the stabilizers around the affected shoulder to avoid problems later . The muscle atrophies if it decides not to work and make good use of intact muscle attachments . If imbalances occur , there may be cases against long bursitis in the shoulder can in the coming years .

3. Working unilaterally from time to time to avoid the strong shoulder to want to take the increased workload and keep the shoulder fact doing is part . You want to isolate the affected shoulder presses with dumbbells, for example to make sure it is working at its maximum level . If you do not have to isolate the affected shoulder will not be any disc and finish with visible muscle imbalances bicep tear.

  Follow the three tips that I have discussed with you again and continued success with shoulder pain , if you decide not to repair. This is not the end of his career fitness or exercise. With a little imagination , you can learn to work around it and can continue to function at a high level bicep tear.