How To Do A Burpee Exercise

    One of my favorite exercises to do during my workouts at home ( or outside ) is the basis Burpee exercise. How could I be so passionate about something that sounds so stupid? For the most simple and basic as can be, has a powerful effect in relation to fitness and fat loss burpees exercise. The Burpee is a form of bodyweight cardio that you can easily use for a great workout with high intensity intervals .

As you know , interval training high intensity is the best method of cardio to blast body fat burpees exercise.

   There are dozens of options for the range of effective high intensity training there, but the Burpee exercise is fast , portable (you can take anywhere) , and very efficient. You might even remember primary school burpee exercise as " sit " for his studies of fitness testing . Here is how to exercise Burpee :

1. Stand with your hips width with your hands at your sides.

2. Squat down on the floor , placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

3. Shift your weight on the arms and legs relax and right if you are in a plank position .

4. Jump feet to its point of origin Burpees exercise.

5. Move over law Burpees exercise.

   But it was a good description of a base Burpees exercise. If you want to make it harder to burn more fat you can do one of these progressions burpee :

Burpee with push up
Burpee with jump
Burpe momentum and jump
Burpee with push , jump and chin
So, never run out of options and always Burpees exercise challenge!

    Here are two great exercises at home that you can do with the basic Burpee  progressions or have melt fat from your body :

    Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how many Burpee you can do at this time. Rest as little as possible. The next time you do this exercise try to increase the number you do.
Let's see how long it takes to do 100 Burpee . Rest as little as possible. The next time you try this exercise decrease the amount of time it takes .
So go out and clear a space in your living room and start incorporating exercise into your house training Burpee ! I guarantee you approach fat loss success if you do!