Someone Told You That You Would Make a Uspa Powerlifting, What's That?

    There are more than thirteen years , I worked as the majority of people in a commercial gym Uspa powerlifting . I loved doing squats and deadlifts and I was good at it . I lifted weights that most people in the gym could not. Not once did I think in the competition. In fact , I did not even know there was a game out there that allows me to compete in my two years that I loved very much. It took one day to the gym when I was playing I heard nothing about the sport Uspa powerlifting .

    I was in a corner of the gym Uspa powerlifting . I had a little over 545 pounds. at the bar , I when another gym member came and asked a funny question . I asked how much he weighed . I thought it was strange, but I told him anyway. At that time I weighed around 200 pounds . He looked at the bat after I replied and started to tell me that I should look to compete in Uspa powerlifting  . Not that I'm ashamed of , just accepted it and moved on. You see , I had never heard of Uspa powerlifting  .

    One thing I do know is that there was a lady that was working fine in bodybuilding. Thinking that bodybuilding and Uspa powerlifting were like, when I got to work the next day , I told him what the guy at the gym and said he asked about it. She gave me a brief explanation of the sport and tell me to go to one of the other gyms in the city and ask for the team Jax Local Uspa powerlifting . To make a long story short , I went to another gym , have a phone number of one of the founding members Jax team called that night , met with team Monday and began my career in the sport.

    With my story of how I got into the sport , I was lucky that I knew someone who new someone new someone who was able to me and my team to guide the way to becoming competitive weightlifter who I am today Uspa powerlifting  . Others are not so lucky , they have to learn the hard way . In fact , there are still some exercises there that would make great weightlifters , but do not know enough about the sport to even begin .

Let's go over a brief overview of the sport itself so that, at least , know more than I did when I heard.

Uspa powerlifting

    Uspa powerlifting consists of three exercises (lifts ) , squat , bench press and deadlift . Each competitor ( lifting) has three attempts to complete a weight in each lift. Judges give a white light for a good attempt or a red light by a bad shot. Any attempt by two or more white lights is considered a good try , where everything with two or more red lights is considered a bad attempt . After each attempt , good or bad Uspa powerlifting , the athlete will be able to increase the weight of his / her next attempt . If an attempt is bad , the athlete can stay with the same weight for his next attempt . Weight can not be reduced to the next attempt. Good try will be added to each lift heavier to create a total competition (response). The lifter with the highest total wins. If a lifter has three attempts in any lift Uspa powerlifting , they are disqualified from the competition.

Uspa powerlifting federations

    Uspa powerlifting meets are held by private gyms , but most are owned and sanctioned by various organizations or federations . Each federation has its own set of rules and allows more types of lifting clothes ( gear ) . Lifting Equipment consists of shirts , shorts squat squat , bench press shirts, belts , knee wraps , bathing deadlifts or any other type of clothing that can help support the execution of each lift. Each federation has its own list of approved equipment . Some federations do not allow a device other than a seat belt. The type of gear allowed in a federation is more commonly used to describe the federation. Federations that allow single-layer devices are known as federations monolayer , multilayer multilayer federations and those who can not accelerate federations are known as "RAW " Uspa powerlifting .

Uspa powerlifting team

    The speed can be summarized in two categories, monolayer and multilayer Uspa powerlifting . Monolayer simply means that any suit or shirt worn by an elevator can be made with a single layer of material. Multilayer Middle train can be done with more than one layer of material. Some federations allow two layers of material , while its other Uspa powerlifting not limit the layers can be used . Again, each federation has a list of approved equipment .

Divisions / Weight Classes

    For fair competition to all buttons , each group of lifters federation ready to compete in two forms, divisions and weight classes . The divisions are broken down by age, while the weight classes are determined by body weight Uspa powerlifting . Here is a list of the most common divisions and weight classes almost all federations :

Range Division / Age

Open: All ages

University : 20-25

adolescents 13-15

adolescents 16-17

adolescents 18-19

Submaster : 33-39

Master 40-44

Master 45-49

Master 50-54

Master 55-59

Master 60-64

Master 65-69

Master 70-74

Master 75-79

Masters 80 +

Weight Classes Men

114 pounds . ( 52 kg )

123 pounds . ( 56 kg )

132 pounds . ( 60 kg )

148 pounds . (67.5 kg)

£ 165 . ( 75 kg )

181 pounds . ( 82.5 kg )

198 pounds . (90 kg)

£ 220 . (100 kg)

242 pounds . ( 110 kg )

£ 275 . ( 125 kg )

308 pounds . ( 140 kg )

SHW ( 140 kg ) +

Weight categories of women

97 ( 42 kg )

105 ( 48 kg )

114 ( 52 kg )

123 ( 56 kg )

132 ( 60 kg )

148 (67.5 kg)

165 ( 75 kg )

181 (82.5 kg)

198 (100 kg)

SHW ( 100 kg ) +

    It is quite simple to understand that division and weight class must be entered . For the division , just check the age and the age decreases, this is the place Uspa powerlifting . In addition, any person , regardless of age Uspa powerlifting , can not enter in the Open category. What all this means is that you will be competing against lifters "only" which came in the same division as you. You can enter more than one division in a competition , but you probably have to pay a fee. For example, if you're 40 , you can enter the open divisions 40-44 and Master Uspa powerlifting .

    For his weight class , the weights that represent each class are the heaviest weight a lifter can weigh to be in this class. The weight of the previous class , and a book is the lower weight limit for this class. For example, if you weigh 199 lbs . you'll be in the weight category of 220 kg . Weighing usually occurs 24 hours before and the morning of the competition.

    This is about Uspa powerlifting  . Now , where will you start? Let's review some questions you should ask first.

Want to be a competitor?

Start by answering the following questions.

What kind of painkillers for that matter be Uspa powerlifting ? Raw monkey multilayer folds

    If you lift raw, then select any federation that you like, like most federations allow raw lifters in the competition. You will need to check what your definition of " gross " is - some allow knee wraps , knee sleeves only some , and some not , so check the rules before going to a meeting.

    If you are considering lifting speed , then depending on the speed you have chosen to use , there is a permit from the federation. Checklist Clothing federation agreed to ensure that they can use all the equipment you plan to buy.

How old are you ?

    This will determine the division ( s ) , you will be able to compete in. Remember that any crane can lift in the open division .

What is your weight?

    This will determine the weight category you will be competing in. Note: the weight -in is normally 24 hours before the competition , so if you are weighing above the upper limit of the weight class , you might consider a diet for a few days before the meeting to create a lower weight class . For example : . If you weigh 200 pounds, a day or two system that could put on 198 pounds. Weight class 24 hours before the meeting, then you have 24 hours to eat , drink and get his weight. You will be competing with a heavy weight , but it is allowed , meet REWEIGH day . It is always a good idea to be near or with a heavier weight than the upper limit of the day of the meeting weight category .

    Once you have determined which type of crane you want to be and this federation and equipment to be used , the only thing left is to change your training program a weight lifting program . Training for Uspa powerlifting , especially the competition is a big difference going to the gym and work . You will have to specialize their training by choosing the right exercise and set a weight lifting program that will support the three lifts . The issue of training alone are several elements in itself and beyond the scope of this article , but for now , you can go online and find plenty of material on the subject .

Let me end this article with some useful tips :

Find out what type of crane you want to be .
   The investigation of the various federations . Look at their results are in and see what others weightlifters increase in the same weight class division and you . This will give you a good perspective on the other competitors and give you realistic goals for each lift .

Search online for programs and weight lifting routines .Get Uspa powerlifting forums and ask questions. Most lifters will be happy to help. Find one or more partners in elevation. You stand fast in this sport , if you have others around you who want to excel as well. A little friendly competition is always good training .

   Find a Uspa powerlifting friendly gym in your area. Most commercial gyms do not like weight lifters banging around , make noise and bending bars !

    Check your ego at the door . No matter how strong you get, there will always be someone stronger than you. It is simply a fact, deal with it and continue to rise.

    The best advice of all. Do not give up . To be a great weightlifter , also trains hard and long . This is not an easy sport and profit will not come overnight. Just stick to it , be consistent and you will get there .