The Best 5 Upper Back Exercises

     While many bodybuilders and weightlifters and fitness enthusiasts rookies spend most of your time focusing on the muscles in gym "mirror" ( the pectorals , deltoids and biceps ) , serious students know that a big return on it upper back exercises. The development of a broad back and thick massive traps is the fastest way to make it look big and strong , even in heavy clothing. Must be the biggest game outside the body of a person can grow, and for good reason : the lats , rhomboids , traps and spinal erectors are the vast majority of muscle mass the size of a person. Here are 5 exercises you can start with the construction of the highest possible return :

1. Pull- Ups / Chin -Ups

The pull-up should be one of the best tests of upper body strength in general as well as one of the best ways to build wide lats . While you can get similar results with dropdown menus , many students ( including myself ) find that focuses on the early years to pull your weight training pays big dividends in relation to the size of latitude, upper back exercises strength , and strength gripping .

There are several ways to do pushups . The three handles most common use ( palms out ) , large width moderate pronation and supination ( palms facing you , often called "chin -up " ) , and close grip and parallel. Try all three and see which feels in your lats more . When ready, from the addition of extra weight with a pull-up strap to make the exercise more difficult.

2. Barbell rows

There seems to be an almost infinite number of ways to make the motion of rowing a gym, but best of all rowing motion has to be the dumbbell row . It allows the use of heavy weights, while maintaining an acceptable way , and it actually helps the bench press force many students.

No dumbbell rows with arm bent at an angle of 45 degree torso , palms pronated , moderately wide handle and a belt and braces , if needed. Do not be afraid to put a little shake on the move, as long as the exercise focused on the upper back exercises, which is gold.

3. upper back exercises (dumbbell rows)

While dumbbell rows are the best rowing exercises for most people , dumbbell row can be as effective for some. Since you are using only one hand at a time , you can use the other to prepare and give a little help when movement becomes difficult. This allows students to use a little more weight on each side , as they have done both upper back exercises.

I found that the best way to do dumbbell rows is the use of straps , choke on the handle , and really rip the weight as fast as possible , similar to the movement is used to start a lawn turf . Most lifters use a flat bench to prepare , but I prefer to take a three-point stance , with his free hand in a set of dumbbells, and my feet apart and firmly placed upper back exercises.

4. Close dropdowns Grip

    Although pull- ups are the best choice for building a wide upper back exercises, adding cable dropdown lists in your routine can be a great advantage , especially when the upper back exercises and / or adhesion is too tired to drive other movements . Many lifers progress they have achieved everything you can about the ups pull-downs used as your main lat - builder .

    I realized that with the close grip , DD drive than most people use foundation that works best lines to hit the lats with pull-downs . I tried to sneak pronation and variations, but never seem to work on my lats and drive counterparts upper back exercises.

5. upper back exercises dead weight

    Last but not least is not only the best upper back exercises you can do, but one of the best in all mass builders for the entire body . Some people prefer using partial range squat to stimulate the upper back exercises, but I found the best results when classical building ( near the foot ) , the exercise of the full range. This movement allows the vast majority of students to handle more weight than any other year , and proved to be one of the best moves of the lats and traps are . Just look at the pitfalls of any powerlifting proof of that.

    The best way to do squat , once you have a good way to lose is to use heavy weights low reps . I usually do a set of about 4-6 reps , maximum, and then drops a little to make a set of 8 reps weight. Do not just go too high in repetitions of this movement to eliminate the advantage of using heavy weights, but it will make its way to break and cause injury upper back exercises.