Biceps Tendon Rupture: A Physical Therapist's Perspective

  Last month, on his 30th birthday , Scott Gams, physiotherapist in Greenville , SC , celebrated with a wink ! However, what is not immediately obvious is that her traumatic injury may have been years in the making and could have been avoided . Scott was kind enough to share their experience in the treatment of the injury, as well as offering advice and perspective on / biceps tendon rupture, based on anatomic and clinical experience.

How did your biceps tendon rupture and how you will feel?

  After a session of physical therapy , I went with my patients. Unfortunately, she lost her balance and fell forward biceps tendon rupture. In an attempt to stabilize or at least reduce the impact of the fall , I reached around his hips . In the process , I felt a noise. Patient care after the fall (the patient was not injured ) , I noticed some pain in his right elbow . After trying to shake a few times, looked to my right arm and I noticed a distinct bulge in the biceps tendon rupture region , consistent with a " Popeye sign " with a torn biceps tendon rupture. My fear that I had broken distal biceps tendon rupture was confirmed after a trip to the orthopedist later in the day. Although the distal biceps tendon ruptures in rare cases , rapid eccentric loading with elbows slightly bent was the typical mechanism of injury to breakage. Fortunately there was a minimum of pain associated with the breakdown as it was a complete tear . I experienced a slight swelling in the arm and weak supination elbow flexion / forearm.

  One of the main points I want to highlight in this post , is that it may have begun with a bout of tendinitis. When you develop distal biceps tendon rupture and how it started?

  I began to experience the distal biceps tendon rupture four years ago in both arms. He began to follow a routine of low / strength training high repetition weight biceps tendon rupture.

How have you dealt with the management and treatment of biceps tendon rupture before finally broken?

  Initially , I spoke restricted flexibility in my biceps tendon rupture, shoulder, forearm , and scapular regions with stretching . I also started to take over the counter NSAIDs to treat any inflammatory process. As the symptoms persisted and became more chronic , started light eccentric elbow flexion to address the risk of tendinitis biceps tendon rupture. I also stopped resistance training in both upper limbs . I also started mobilizing soft tissue of the biceps tendon rupture technical Graston . Unfortunately we spent almost three months for the symptoms disappear and if six months before he can start training intensity levels of force before. In the past three years I have not met with my biceps tendon rupture leisure activities , such as weightlifting, workout kettle bell , running and playing tennis.

Would you mind explaining the difference between tendonitis and tendinitis ?

  Tendinitis is an acute inflammation of a tendon due to excessive use and microtrauma , causing pain , sensitivity to movement, and swelling. Tendonitis is a chronic disease with no inflammation . Is characterized by a degeneration of collagen fibers and abnormal wound healing tendon . Tendinitis is usually controlled with ice, NSAIDs, relative rest, which extends and usually disappears in 3-6 weeks biceps tendon rupture. Tendonitis is a chronic condition that responds to treatment re- initiation of the healing response to deal with abnormal collagen fibers . These treatments may include eccentric , soft tissue mobilizations instrumented puncture and intramuscular dry stretch biceps tendon rupture.

Can you briefly describe what the recovery / rehabilitation will look like for you ?

  The biceps tendon rupture was surgically repaired using a method endobutton . I am a splint at 90 degrees of elbow flexion and neutral forearm position post surgery week, then a brace locked at 90 ° of flexion is given .

  I started two weeks of postoperative physical therapy to reduce swelling , joint mobilizations , and the range of passive movement of the elbow and forearm. Although the specific procedure used for more aggressive rehabilitation , we included active ROM as soon as two weeks, we decided to be cautious.

  Currently , I am five weeks post operatively and work in passive and active range of motion in the right arm . Strengthening begin after week 8 op with a gradual progression of full and recreational activities. The main door reinforcement elbow pain, which is set to 10 degrees elbow extension weeks . The corset is mainly necessary at this time to avoid another unexpected eccentric load weight and reduce cyclic loading.

If I could do it again , is there anything else you would have tried to prevent the breakup?

   I have followed my flexibility program , but easy to stop stretching if you feel better . It could dry needling and intramuscular added to the complex of surrounding elbow . I think the previous history of biceps tendon rupture probably played a role in the break, but the mechanism of injury with rapid and high load eccentric contraction ultimately lead to injury .

How does it feel to be a PT and PT attend?

    This is a very strange feeling , but definitely in good hands with some of my colleagues who took the case. It does not give me the perspective of what the patient is going on and help you as you return to a treatment myself. I am considered a worker 's compensation patient , so I had fun playing the role of some traditional therapists treat problems with the toilet .

When do you expect to be back in the gym doing biceps tendon rupture curls ?

    I can not wait until postoperative week 8 so you can start curling dumbbells # 1. Hopefully at 12 weeks , I can be back to light lifting in the gym.

Have any other tips for anyone who might be reading this ?

    If you think you have biceps tendon rupture like symptoms , take care of the situation before it becomes chronic or is about to biceps tendon rupture. Be patient during postoperative rehabilitation process everything that may be recovering from . I cried several times by my colleagues to try to move my rehabilitation , listen to your therapist ! Advice others have given me the person falls next time ...