Bicep tendonitis is a condition that affects the area between the bicep muscles , where it meets the front of the shoulder. Hardly occurs alone and often bicep tendonitis is often called bicipital tendinitis. Athletes are the most common sufferers of bicep tendonitis . It develops because of rotator cuff tendinitis . bicep tendonitis is largely ignored in the first step and becomes a serious complication.
bicep tendonitis symptoms
The most common symptoms of bicep tendonitis is as follows:
(A ) There will be some pain when moving the shoulder or arm.(B ) There will be pain if you lift your arm above shoulder
(C ) When the shoulder is affected, will feel the pain
(D ) , the shoulder may be red and swollen and may feel a burning sensation in the shoulder
(E ) pain is worse at night or wake up in the morning
Causes of bicep tendonitis :
1. repetitive use
The most common cause of tendinitis of the bicep tendonitis is the repetitive use and strain and tear. RSI and use can take many forms and from many sources . This condition often develops in people who work in factories that are involved, because of their repetitive work. Athletes and sports do not develop tendinitis due to repetitive movements involved in their sport.
2. Tendinitis due to age :
When humans get older is a natural process that tendons get harder and lose their elasticity. Because of this, the joints will not be able to move freely and the flexibility is lost . As people age , they tend to develop bicep tendonitis . From research it has been found that when the body changes in the blood vessels of affected tendons age .
3. too much stress
The distortion is the main cause among bodybuilders and athletes. It tends to develop as athletes and bodybuilders have tendons under too much pressure without heating right place. Or more pressure than the tendons could not handle. This can be avoided by correct training techniques .
4. Because lesions
It is common to develop tendinitis due to injury . For example , is caused by the result of the shoulder or rotator cuff . In these circumstances the tendonitis develops because the injury has not healed completely. This type of question can not be easily avoided , allowing sufficient rest to the injured party .
The treatment of bicep tendonitis
Treatment is most often requested the affected area and gradually into action after adequate rest. The basic treatment involves resting the affected activities to other areas. Any exercise of the head on should be avoided. It is better to apply ice every 4 hours until the pain subsides . The best thing to do is to rest the affected area. The affected area should be a minimum of 2-3 weeks of rest .