Tricep Tendonitis

   The tricep muscle is in the back of the upper arm and is secured to the lower shoulder and the upper arm bone . Muscle to control the movements of the lower arm and is involved in launching movements as related to football or baseball. Tendons connect muscles tricep tendonitis on the shoulder and forearm. If the tendons are overused and become inflamed or irritated , the condition is called tendonitis.

   The movements and activities of repetitive head like throwing a baseball or a tennis racket are common causes of tricep tendonitis . Symptoms may include :
# Pain when the head of the arm is bent or
Localized tenderness # as the tendon passes over the groove of the arm bone
No shoulder its occasional trip or a feeling in the region of tricep tendonitis

How I can prevent tricep tendonitis ?

   The easiest way to avoid another episode of tricep tendonitis is to avoid the activity that caused , of course, may be impossible for the serious athlete . For these people , frequent breaks causal activity should become routine . It is also advisable to reduce or stop the activity at the first sign of pain and ice tricep tendonitis and shoulders after every training session or game.
You can help prevent tricep tendonitis following these simple instructions :
Rest your body regularly stopping to stretch .
# Increase the frequency and intensity of exercise gradually .
# tricep tendonitis Apply ice if needed.


   To properly diagnose biceps, your doctor will check your shoulder for any joint pain or bloating . You can ask to extend, rotate or raise the arm to determine the limits of the range of motion. If necessary, your doctor will prescribe radiographs or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI ) for a more detailed examination of the lesion .

Conservative treatment of tricep tendonitis may include :

# Rest
Avoid activities during the acute phase.
# tricep tendonitis ice
Apply ice or a cold pack on the injury for 15 to 20 minutes, 4 times a day for several days to reduce swelling.
# tricep tendonitis Drugs
Taking ibuprofen (Advil , Motrin ) to help reduce inflammation and pain.
# tricep tendonitis Stretch
When the acute pain is gone, start with stretching exercises as recommended by your doctor.
# tricep tendonitis Strengthen
Begin strengthening exercises for your biceps , shoulders and arm muscles as recommended by your doctor.

    If conservative measures are not effective , arthroscopic surgery may be necessary . During arthroscopic surgery, an orthopedic surgeon makes small incisions and inserts tiny instruments for consideration tendons. If necessary, the surgeon can perform the necessary repairs.

Improve sports performance

   The key to improving sports performance after recovering from biceps tendinitis is a good rehabilitation program , and adhering to some of those same principles after the injury is gone.
The most important aspect of improving performance is stretching before and after entering the field, court , ice or golf.

Tightening benefits include:
# Increase efficiency and physical performance
# Reduced risk of injury
# Increased blood supply and nutrients to joint structures
# Increased coordination
# Improves muscular balance and postural awareness
# Stress Reduction
# The dividend increase

   REHABILITATION tricep tendonitis

   As an athlete, your main concern is back to full strength as soon as possible so you can return to training and competition. That is why appropriate rehabilitation is extremely important. The most common tricep tendonitis rehabilitation usually includes the following :

# tricep tendonitis Rest
Avoid activities during the acute phase.
# tricep tendonitis ice
Apply ice or a cold pack on the injury for 15 to 20 minutes, 4 times a day for several days to reduce swelling. Wrap the ice or cold pack in a towel. Do not apply ice directly to the skin .
# Drugs
Take ibuprofen to help reduce inflammation and pain.
# Stretch
When the acute pain is gone, start with stretching exercises as recommended by your doctor. Stay within the limits of pain . Hold each stretch for about 10 seconds and repeat 6 times .
# tricep tendonitis Strengthen
Begin strengthening exercises for your tricep, shoulders and arm muscles as recommended by your doctor.
# tricep tendonitis Gradual Return to sport
Begin arm motions of your sport or activity as recommended by your doctor. ( For example : passing a football , throw a baseball , tennis strokes , golf swing ) .
# Surgery
   Arthroscopic surgery may be necessary if the results of the instability of pain or pressure in the tendon of the shoulder bone shoulder.

    The main objectives of the rehabilitation of the tricep tendonitis are to improve the elasticity of the tricep tendonitis and gradually increase the range of motion without pain. The following exercises should be performed once or twice a day:

# tricep tendonitis Saws

    Reach out and place the healthy side at a table in the corner. Bending at the waist . Fold the side arm was injured elbow and pull the arm on the affected side and back up , like cutting wood . Slowly the shoulder blades as close as pain allows. Slowly move the injured side arm to the starting position . Repeat this sequence 10 times at least three times per day.

# tricep tendonitis Pendulum Swings

    Stand with the concerned in the corner of a table and to support part of the weight of the body supported arms hand. Slightly bend the knee on the healthy side and extend the other leg to the side. Allow the injured arm hanging at the side of the affected foot . By moving the weight of the body, causing the relaxed injured arm to swing in circles , as far as possible limited by pain . Contents 25 changes in the direction of clockwise . Let the injured arm to stop swinging . Contents oscillations 25 wounded in one arm left. Repeating this sequence of at least three times per day .

The rotation of the shoulder #

    Stand in a door with the affected side arm bent at the elbow and the palm of the hand against the doorframe . Turn your body away from the injured party to a stretching sensation is an experience of injured shoulder . Hold for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position. Relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 10 times at least 3 times a day .

# Shoulder flexion tricep tendonitis

    Stand erect near a wall . With the palm of the injured side arm slides slowly turns to face the forearm and the long arm of the wall on the wall . Drag the arm to the point of significant initial pain. Hold for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 10 times , at least 3 times a day .

# Expandable Briefcase tricep tendonitis

    Wrap a towel along . While upside down , you turn the towel wrapped around her back , keeping the healthy side. Reach back with your hand on the injured side and grasp the rolled towel . Gently pull up on the towel , raising the injured side arm until the first big pain in the injured shoulder appears. Hold for 10 seconds. Relax your arms , keeping control of the rolled towel for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 10 times at least three times daily .

# Elbow flexed traction

    Bend and raise the injured side on the shoulder to the elbow . Enter the valid side elbow injured side . Gently pull the injured side elbow on the opposite shoulder until limited by first significant pain . Hold for 10 seconds. Relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 10 times at least three times daily .

Section # Biceps

   Stand erect with arms raised to shoulder height and palms up . Press arms backward until stretch is felt . Hold for three to five seconds , then relax for 3 to 5 seconds. Perform this exercise 10 times . The tricep tendonitis and shoulder muscles and chest are stretched by this exercise.

# Triceps stretch tricep tendonitis

    Stand erect , with your feet apart . Raise the injured arm at the shoulder, elbow bent and place the forearm behind the head . Enter wounded in the hand opposite elbow and pull the center of the body until you feel a stretch. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then relax for 3 to 5 seconds. Perform this exercise 10 times .

Bicep curls #

    Stand with arms outstretched to the sides completely while holding two - a 5 pound weight in each hand, the palm held forward. Bend your arm at the elbow to about 100 degrees , or to the point of pain , whichever comes first. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Return to the starting position. Rest for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times . You can increase the weight as pain allows and strength develops.

# Curls Triceps

    Stand with elbows directed upward over the shoulders and arms relaxed. Extend your arms at the elbow so that the hands are held to the point of pain. Hold for five seconds. Return to the starting position and relax for five seconds. Through this sequence 10 times , 3 times daily . As pain permits , add weight with dumbbells in hand .

# Raises Chest tricep tendonitis

   Lie face down with extended along your sides hands. Lift the upper chest of the earth at the point of pain and hold this position for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position and relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 10 times , 3 times daily .

alternative exercises tricep tendonitis

   During the period in which the training is not recommended , you can use the alternative exercises . These activities should not require any actions that create or intensify pain at the site of injury. They include :

# Swimming ( if pain allows)
# Jogging
# Stationary Bike


    His tricep tendonitis may require arthroscopic surgery to fix properly tricep tendonitis . Note that the soft tissue needs time to heal before starting the exercise .

   A physical therapy program usually begins with range - of - motion and resistance exercises , then incorporates power, aerobic and muscular endurance , flexibility and coordination exercises .

Finally tricep tendonitis, patients develop speed and agility through sport-specific exercise routines.

   The ultimate goal of surgery is to provide dynamic stability while maintaining range of motion , so that athletes can return to competitive sports or entertainment . Progress is measured by the perception of the stability of the bicep / shoulder feels the patient and comparing the strength and stability of the injured and uninjured arms .

How long will the effects of my injury last?

   With proper rehabilitation , the first appearance of tricep tendonitis diagnosed and treated in its early stages usually lasts two weeks. If the injury is repeated several times, or if surgery is necessary , full recovery can take up to two months.

When I can return to my sport or activity?

   The goal of rehabilitation is to get to your sport or activity as soon as possible . If you return too soon you may worsen your injury, which could lead to permanent damage . Everyone recovers from injury at a different rate . Return to your activity is determined by how long the tricep tendonitis area recovers, not by how many days or weeks it has been since your injury .